This is my longest run since the last New Balance 15k.
I was suffering from the pain on the same left knee again but this time it's a bit better. The pain only started after 8km or so. I was able to endure it throughout the run with a few run/walk breaks.
I started the journey from home at about 3.45am this morning. The World Cup match between USA and Ghana is ongoing and quite a number my friends are watching (evidence from instant comment on my facebook status update:).
Reached Padang Merbuk slightly after 4.15am. Parked my car, picked up all the stuffs and walked to Dataran Merdeka.
When I reached there the Full Marathon runners already queuing up in front of the starting line. I managed to find CP easily. Had some chat with him and took some photos before the downpour started. It was getting heavier just before the starting time of the full marathon.
After the full marathon runners went away, I walk around Dataran to see what they have. Nothing much really so I decided to take a toilet break before the race start.
I bumped in Andre at the starting line after that. Chatted with him and both of us started the run together.
I was pacing myself and lose sight of Andre shortly after the start.
At about 5km point, I met Lam Sing Kong, chatted for a while then Yoke Kuan appeared beside. I chatted and paced with her until 10km before going ahead on my own when she needed a walk break.
The rest of the run is pretty straight forward and I finally reached Dataran Merderka again at around 2 hours 30 mins after the start.
Not an impressive pace but I'm still very happy to finish the run in one piece :)