Sunday, May 3, 2009

Low mileage

So far my weekly mileage has been stagnant at between 30 to 40km per week. This week's mileage is only 34.2km. That's inclusive of the 20km long run yesterday and it's full 8km short of a full marathon distance over a week. That's a Red Flag if you are running a project!!

From all the marathon training resources I have read so far, one has to reach the peak mileage of at least 60km per week in order to survive the last 10km of a marathon. Image above is an example of a marathon rookie program downloaded from Runner's World website.

It's time to be more serious about my training program starting tomorrow. Target mileage next week is 50km. It's do or die situation now since it's only 6 weeks to tapering period.

Not sure which runner said this - we must respect the distance..

Posted by ShoZu

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